ZomBerry Test Animation

Here’s a test render of this ZomBerry character I’ve been messing around with using Lighting Boy Studio’s shader and Auto-Rig Pro. I figure the Thriller dance is probably as good of a rigging test as anything, right?

A couple of noteworthy items:

  • The Grease Pencil modifier is used to create all of the outlines in the render.
  • A cloth simulation is used on ZomBerry’s hair in order to get its movement looking natural without spending a ton of time on it.
  • The face is a custom rig I created to help speed things up. The eye and mouths are constructed using a series of boolean and shrinkwrap modifiers in order to get the desired shape using the rig’s facial bones.
  • You can’t see it in this render but I’ve experimented with using Mesh Trails and will likely use that in future ZomBerry renders.

I’m pretty happy with how this turned out and am looking forward to using it for something.