Ludum Dare 48

For Ludum Dare 48 I teamed up with Eric Goodnight and Yousef Danak to make a game. Eric handled the graphics, Yousef the sound, and I did the coding. The theme was “deeper and deeper” and we ended up creating a beat em up game called “Just Call Your Mom”. In it you play as “The Kid” who’s trying to fight his way out of corporate office depression by trying to get to a phone and call his mom. It’s a pretty silly game but was fun to make and has been pretty well received by the Ludum Dare community.

If we had some more time it would have been good to have added a block button, some more varied enemies, and a more fleshed out story — but overall I think we did a fantastic job! Aside from being a bit rusty with Unity I think everything went extremely well. I definitely need to start teaming up with more folks. It was nice bouncing ideas off of each other and not having to do everything myself for a change.

Here’s a video of the game in action:

We were particularly proud of the “call your mother” voice over on the title screen.

If you’re interested you can play “Just Call Your Mom” on 🙂

Cat Flip Book Progress

Some quick progress shots of the cat flip books I made last week. The animation was done in Blender using its Grease Pencil tool. Drawing with a mouse isn’t great so I used Astropad and an iPad to make drawing quite a bit easier. The pages were printed on a card stock by the old HP LaserJet printer my friend Keeley gave me a while ago. The holes were made using a screw punch and plain old string was used for the binding.

These were a lot of fun to make and I’m pretty excited to see what folks do with them. Heather said she was going to color hers — which will be neat to see. 🙂